Floalt LED Light Panel 30x30 cm
Model L1527 manufactured by IKEA
Zigbee ID: FLOALT panel WS 30x30
Floalt LED Light Panel 30x30 cm
color temperature
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Confirmed working with
If the device is following Zigbee standards it is possible it will work with other gateway solutions, it is just not confirmed as working yet!

Pairing Instructions
Factory reset the light bulb (video instructions [video]). After resetting the bulb will automatically connect.

While pairing, keep the bulb close to the Zigbee gateway.

What works is to use (very) short “on”’s and a little bit longer “off’s”. Start with bulb on, then off, and then 6 “on’s”, where you kill the light as soon as the bulb shows signs of turning on.

OTA Updates

This device supports OTA updates. For more information see your gateway's software documentation.


Factory reset the light bulb (video). After resetting the bulb will automatically connect.

While pairing, keep the bulb close the the CC2531 USB sniffer.

What works is to use (very) short “on’s” and a little bit longer “off’s”. Start with bulb on, then off, and then 6 “on’s”, where you kill the light as soon as the bulb shows signs of turning on.