Tint Remote Control
Model 404011 manufactured by Müller Licht
Zigbee ID: ZBT-Remote-ALL-RGBW

Supports: |
brightness |
action |
Action types: |
brightness up/down click/hold/release |
move to color |
move to colortemp |
off |
scene |
toggle |
on |
Available from: |
Amazon.de |
Amazon.co.uk |
Manufacturer: |
Mueller-licht.de |
Confirmed working with
If the device is following Zigbee standards it is possible it will work with other gateway solutions, it is just not confirmed as working yet!
You need to listen to the pre-configured group addresses 0x4004, 0x4005, 0x4006 corresponding to the 3 lights.
Example: backlog zblisten1 0x4004; zblisten2 0x04005; zblisten3 0x4006