Siren with Temperature & Humidity Sensor
Model NAS-AB02B2 manufactured by Neo
Zigbee ID: TS0601 | _TZE200_t1blo2bj | _TZE204_t1blo2bj
Siren with Temperature & Humidity Sensor
Confirmed working with
If the device is following Zigbee standards it is possible it will work with other gateway solutions, it is just not confirmed as working yet!

ZBBridge Filter

Once ZB filter is loaded onto bridge, settings can be changed via ZbSend/MQTT like:
ZbSend {"Device":"0x####","Write":{"neo_alarm":1}}

#This sets up neo alarms for proper use via MQTT
EF00/0415,neo_tune              # Tune to play [0-18]
EF00/0405,neo_volume            # Vol: 0-low, to 2-high
EF00/010D,neo_alarm             # Bool 1/0
EF00/0207,neo_duration          # Duration in seconds
EF00/020F=0001/0021,mul:2       # Battery level
Table of Tunes
0Doorbell Chime9Smoke Alarm
1Fur Elise10Dog Barking
2Westminster Chimes11Police Siren
3Fast double door bell12Doorbell Chime (reverb)
4William Tell Overture13Mechanical Telephone
5Turkish March14Fire/Ambulance
6Safe/Security Alarm153/1 Elevator
7Chemical Spill Alert16Buzzing Alarm Clock
8Piercing Alarm Clock17School Bell