Ethernet Zigbee Gateway
Model TYGWZ-01 manufactured by Tuya
Zigbee ID:
Ethernet Zigbee Gateway
Available from:
Confirmed working with
If the device is following Zigbee standards it is possible it will work with other gateway solutions, it is just not confirmed as working yet!

This has the same internals as Lidl and Aldi gateways!

Retrieve Root Password

Method courtesy Of Paul Banks here and here

Pry the device open, there are 8 clips around the edges.


Gateway Adapter
Serial TX RX
Serial RX TX
3.3v VCC 3V3/VCC

Leave the USB Power and 3.3v disconnected.

Open a serial terminal to your TTL with the following settings:

Setting Value
Baud Rate 38400
Data Bits 8
Stop Bits 1
Parity None
Flow Control None

Connect the 3.3v to the gateway and start pressing ESC, you should see a prompt like this:

Active serial prompt

Retrieving the KEK (Encryption Key)

  1. Run the following commands in the terminal:
FLR 80000000 401802 16
DW 80000000 4

Save the output of these commands, it should be something like:

80000000:       743B5638        6872576B        47694E69        233C2778

Retrieving the AUSKEY

  1. Run the following commands in the terminal:
FLR 80000000 402002 32
DW 80000000 8

Save the output of these commands, it should be something like:

80000000:       110AAC2E        CC412394        5387DC8C        C98550E0
80000010:       7E64CE90        5795D7A9        4BA6FF51        8C2908E7

Decoding the root password

Download the Python script from Paul’s Github here:

Run the script and input the output from the commands you ran above (making sure to exclude the 80000000: and 80000010:)

The script should then print your gateway’s root password.

Customise running software on the gateway

This section must be run on Linux or WSL (or any Bash like shell)

  1. SSH into your gateway with the username root and the password you decoded earlier, the SSH server will be running on port 2333 and run the following
    if [ ! -f /tuya/ ]; then cp /tuya/ /tuya/; fi
    echo "#!/bin/sh" >/tuya/
  2. The SSH port of the gateway will now be running on the standard 22 instead of 2333

  3. Download the serialgateway.bin from Paul’s website here: serialgateway.bin

  4. Use cat and ssh to upload this file to the gateway:

cat serialgateway.bin | ssh root@[gateway_ip] "cat >/tuya/serialgateway"

  1. Connect to your gateway with ssh with the username root and with the password you decoded earlier

  2. Run the following on the Gateway:

if [ ! -f /tuya/ ]; then cp /tuya/ /tuya/; fi

cat >/tuya/ <<EOF
/tuya/serialgateway &
chmod 755 /tuya/serialgateway


Upgrade the EZSP Version to

This section must be run on Linux or WSL (Or any Bash like shell)

  1. Download the script from Github here: and the sx binary as well as the newer EZSP firmware from here: NCP_UHW_MG1B232_678_PA0-PA1-PB11_PA5-PA4.gbl
  2. Make sure the script is executable with chmod +x ./
  3. Run the script like this: ./ [gateway_ip] 22 V7 NCP_UHW_MG1B232_678_PA0-PA1-PB11_PA5-PA4.gbl - You may be prompted for the root password several times.
  4. Reboot the gateway

For Home Assistant (ZHA)

In Home Assistant (requires version 0.113+) go to Configuration - Integrations, click the + icon, search for ZHA integration and select it.

Gateway ZHA Configuration

  1. choose “Enter Manually” for serial port
  2. for Radio Type choose “EZSP”
  3. under Serial device path enter socket://[gateway_ip]:8888 replacing [gateway_ip] with its IP address. Do not use hostnames.
    • if you changed the port number use yours
    • set port speed to “115200”
  4. when the Gateway is discovered you will get a confirmation message

Gateway ZHA Configuration