Zigbee Coordinator CC2652P7 (CZC-1.0)
Model 90810 manufactured by cod.m
Zigbee Coordinator CC2652P7 (CZC-1.0)
Available from:
Confirmed working with
If the device is following Zigbee standards it is possible it will work with other gateway solutions, it is just not confirmed as working yet!

cod.m ZigBee Coordinator (CZC) - Network (LAN/Wi-Fi) with Power over Ethernet (optional) or USB-C.


  • CC2652P7 Texas Instruments multiprotocol 2.4GHz radio module
  • ZigBee 3.x, Z-Stack firmware (Koenkk)
  • LAN, WLAN or USB mode PoE (802.3af) or USB-C power, <1W power consumption
  • ESP32 open source firmware (cod.m UZG Fork)
  • ZigBee firmware update via network and in future via web interface
  • ESP32 firmware update via web interface or USB-C (Auto-BSL)
  • 3D-printed housing (CC-BY-NC-SA)
  • Made in Germany, CE, RoHS, WEEE


For Tasmota (Z2T, ZHA or Zigbee2MQTT)

Configuration of the device is automatically handled via Autoconf templates. Go to “Configuration” - “Auto-configuration” and select:

  • for native Tasmota zigbee (Z2T): cod.M Zigbee CZC-1.0
  • for Zigbee2MQTT or ZHA in TCP mode: cod.M Zigbee CZC-1.0 TCP