Light Module DIY
Model ZYZB010 manufactured by eWeLight
Zigbee ID: ZB-CL01 | ZB-SW02
Light Module DIY
Available from:
Confirmed working with
If the device is following Zigbee standards it is possible it will work with other gateway solutions, it is just not confirmed as working yet!

ZigBee 3.0 1-5 channel switch,Plug,1-5 PWM Light(W,CW,RGB,RGBW,RGBCW) (multiple variants exist, all with model ZYZB010)

Telink TLSR8258 module


   |  ____    __    __   |
   | | |  |__|  |__|  |  |
   |            ZYZB010  |
 1 | Vcc             RST | 24
 2 | Gnd              C1 | 23
 3 | SWS-A7           C0 | 22
 4 | D2            B7-Rx | 21
 5 | D3            D7-Tx | 20
 6 | C3               B6 | 19
 7 | C2               B1 | 18
 8 | nc               B5 | 17
 9 | nc               B4 | 16
10 | D4               A1 | 15
11 | nc               C4 | 14
12 | A0               nc | 13
Pin 1-5 On/Off switch 1-5 PWM outputs 1-3 Bi-stable relay output (Low power module)
1 VCC Power Supply 3.3V Power Supply 3.3V Power Supply 3.3V
3 SWS-A7 Debug and Download interface: SWS Debug and Download interface: SWS Debug and Download interface: SWS
4 D2 GPIO : D2 GPIO : D2 IN 2 : Switch Signal Input, Active Low, Pair mode
5 D3 GPIO : D3 FAC_RST, Active Low, Pair mode GPIO : D3
6 C3 OUT 5 : Relay signal output, Active High PWM2 (Warm White) IN 1 : Switch Signal Input, Active Low, Pair mode
7 C2 IN 5 : Switch Signal Input, Active Low, Pair mode PWM1 (Cold White) OUT 1 ON : 15 ms High pulse
8 NC Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected
9 NC Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected
10D4 IN 4 : Switch Signal Input, Active Low, Pair mode GPIO : D4 OUT 2 OFF : 15 ms High pulse
11NC Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected
12A0 IN 1 : Switch Signal Input, Active Low, Pair mode GPIO : A0 OUT 2 On/Off Status, Active High
13NC Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected
14C4 OUT 4 : Relay signal output, Active High PWM3: (Red) OUT 3 OFF : 15 ms High pulse
15A1 Pair Mode LED, flash in Pair Mode, else Low GPIO : A1 Pair Mode LED, flash in Pair Mode, else Low
16B4 OUT 1 : Relay signal output, Active High PWM4 (Greeen) OUT 2 ON : 15 ms High pulse
17B5 OUT 3 : Relay signal output, Active High PWM5 (Blue) IN 3 : Switch Signal Input, Active Low, Pair mode
18B1 OUT 2 : Relay signal output, Active High GPIO : B1 OUT 1 On/Off Status, Active High
19B6 GPIO : B6 GPIO : B6 GPIO : B6
20D7 GPIO : D7 GPIO : D7 OUT 1 OFF : 15 ms High pulse
21B7 GPIO : B7 GPIO : B7 OUT 3 On/Off Status, Active High
22C0 IN 3 : Switch Signal Input, Active Low, Pair mode GPIO : C0 OUT 3 ON : 15 ms High pulse
23C1 IN 2 : Switch Signal Input, Active Low, Pair mode GPIO : C1 GPIO : C1
24RST nRST, Active Low nRST, Active Low nRST, Active Low

Minimal use: connect Vcc and Gnd, and OUT and IN as needed.


  • Switching output (1-5 Ch On/Off type) work only with pulse switches, no on/off switch input.
  • When not paired to Zigbee network, module goes automatically into pairing mode.
  • INputs have internal pull-up, so only need a switch to ground.
  • To go into pairing mode, connect one of the switch inputs to Gnd for more than 5 seconds. The (relay) output will blink a couple of times, the pairing indicator output will keep blinking until paired.
  • PCB antenna is not as powerful/sensitive as usual for complete devices. I needed to be close to my Zigbee hub to get pairing working the 1st time.