Zigbee Ethernet Gateway
Model manufactured by eWeLink
Zigbee Ethernet Gateway
Available from:
Confirmed working with
If the device is following Zigbee standards it is possible it will work with other gateway solutions, it is just not confirmed as working yet!

ZB-GW03 Zigbee to LAN bridge/gateway based on Espressif ESP32 and a “SM-011 V1.0” radio SiP module by CoolKit-Technologies (based on Silicon Labs EFR32MG21 MCU).

The ESP32 can be flashed with Tasmota (or ESPHome) and the EFR32MG21 Zigbee module can be flashed with either a Zigbee Coordinator firmware or a Zigbee Router firmware image.

ZB-GW03 eWeLink Ethernet Zigbee Gateway (ZB-GW03-V1.0, ZB-GW03-V1.2, ZB-GW03-V1.3) is also sold rebranded as:

  • Eachen eWeLink ZigBee Smart Hub
    • https://ewelink.eachen.cc/product/eachen-ewelink-zigbee-bridge-pro-zbbridge-pro/
    • https://ewelinkcommunity.net/device-lists/zigbee/eachen-zb-gw03/
  • SmartWise Zigbee Bridge Pro
    • https://www.okosabbotthon.hu/smartwise-zigbee-bridge-pro

Flashing Tasmota

Flashing the Espressif ESP32 chip and Tasmota configuration instructions.