CC2530+CC2592 USB Test Kit
Model E18-TBH-01 manufactured by Ebyte
CC2530+CC2592 USB Test Kit
Available from:
Confirmed working with
If the device is following Zigbee standards it is possible it will work with other gateway solutions, it is just not confirmed as working yet!

This module consists of a TI CC2530 and a CC2592 power amplifier chip. With 20dbm transmit power its realistic indoor range is 10-12m.

PCB pins are standard 2.54mm pitch and very easy to solder to. All the pins are clearly labelled. USB port data pins are connected to P1.4 and P1.5 and cannot be used as a Zigbee2MQTT coordinator via USB. It can still be powered via USB and be used as a router or you can solder wires from P0.2 and P0.3 to RX and TX and remove jumpers.

To be able to use it as a coordinator you need to flash the CC2530_CC2592_xx Z-Stack-firmware.

Flashing Instructions

Identify the required pins and follow flashing instructions:

VCC pin tolerates 3.6V max. DO NOT connect to 5V.

User manual.